nedelja, 18. avgust 2013

Ste že šli v Tri krasne? / Did you go to Tri krasne?

Nekaj novega je v Ljubljani! Ni težko najti; sprehodite se mimo čudovitih fotografij Matjaža Krivica na poti v Trnovo in prečkate most nad Gradaščico, ne zavijete desno k Saxu kot običajno, temveč nadaljujete še nekaj metrov naprej. Tam vas pod trnovskimi bloki med starimi hišami ob cesti, čaka nov lokalček Tri Krasne. Nekaj tednov nazaj sem bila na otvoritvi. Bil je eden tistih vročih poletnih večerov o katerih bomo sanjali vsaj še naslednjih pol leta. Super družba, malo smo pikali slasten pečen krompirček, girice in tri vrste bureka na palčki, srkali pivce in kramljali neumnosti. Sem si rekla, da se kmalu vrnem, zato smo se včeraj po precej razigrani vožnji z odprto streho in muziko na full, ležerno nastanili na njihovi leseni plaži. Mene je pritegnil njihov koncept preprostosti, ki diši po časih iz naše mladosti. Takrat so naše mame in babice mizo prekrile s plastičnim prtom in ga pritrdle z risalnimi žebljički. Ravno take mize najdete na tem vrtu. Morda omenim samo še njihova stranišča, ki so me res spravila v smeh. Takole nedokončana je zgledala marsikatera hiša iz mojega otroštva. Pa to ni bila nikakršna ovira, da ne bi vabili goste in se imeli fajn. Če vas zamika, da bi se družili s prijatelji na prijetnem vrtu v malo bolj umirjenem vzdušju s pogledom na ljubljanski grad, pohitite, dokler je še sonček in toplo.

There is a new hangout place in Ljubljana! It's easy to find. You stroll by gorgeous portraits by Matjaž Krivic on your way to Trnovo and when you get to the bridge over Gradaščica, you don't turn right to SaxPub as you would normally do, but you just continue straight a little further. Nested under big Trnovo block houses and wedged between some older houses, we have a new place called "Tri krasne" (Three gorgeous; In Slovenian language it is implied that it is three girls or women that are gorgeous). Couple of weeks ago I was at the opening. It was one of those hot summer evenings that will stay with me a while. Great company, nibbling on great snacks like potato chips/wedges, fried pickerels, shish kebab with three pieces of different kinds of pies (burek) instead of meat, slurping beer while discussing nonsense. I made a promise that I will come back soon. So I did. After a joyride with the open rooftop and loud music we ended up relaxing on the terrace in front of Tri Krasne. I love their simple concept, that has a nostalgic, "good old times" feeling. Our grand mothers used to cover wooden tables with plastic covers that were pinned to the table with bunch of drawing pins. Well ... you can find them on this terrace. Maybe I'll just mention the toilets, because they really made me laugh. A lot of houses from my childhood were similarly ... well ... unfinished. But that was never a reason, not to invite guests and have a good time. If you want to hang out with friends in a relaxed atmosphere with a nice view on Ljubljana Castle, hurry up, while it is still sunny and warm.

četrtek, 15. avgust 2013

Đubox intervju / Đubox interview

Nedolgo nazaj sem čisto slučajno zasedila, da so me pri Đuboxu dali na listo slovenskih blogov in nisem mogla skriti navdušenja. Kmalu zatem je sledilo povabilo na intervju in takoj sem seveda privolila. Na iskriva vprašanja ni težko odgovarjati pa še vse se je tako lepo sestavilo. Na prvo obletnico bloganja sem sedma za povrstjo dobila objavo na poseben Marijin dan... Perfect!

Intervju najdete tukaj

sreda, 7. avgust 2013

Gospa "s kisikom" / Lady "with oxygen"

Te dni sem  iz omare potegnila torbico, ki sem jo naredila leto dni nazaj in jo nekaj časa potem nosila in preizkušala, potem pa počasi pozabila nanjo, saj me je ritem dela odnesel v druge smeri. Zaradi nje me je večkrat kontaktirala kakšna vanjo zagledana dušica, a časa za izvedbo česa podobnega enostavno nisem našla. Fotografijo moje Goldy, kot sem jo poimenovala, je našla tudi hčerka, ki je želela svoji mami olajšati nošenje aparata za dovajanje kisika. Medicinska torba, ki jo ima, je sicer praktična, ne izgleda pa lepo. Želela je običajno torbico, ki bi bila prilagojena nošenju aparata. Takoj sem vedela, da moram to speljati kakor vem in znam, a po vseh zabeleženih željah sem hitro ugotovila, da sem si nadela prevelik nahrbtnik. Zato se je začelo komplicirati. Vedno je nekaj vmes prišlo, zbolela sem, dnevi pa so minevali, gospa je postajala vse bolj neučakana, jaz pa še vedno nisem vedela kako naj se lotim vsega skupaj. Vse do trenutka, ko sem Goldy osveženo in olepšano želela podariti prijateljici, ki je prijazno zavrnila mojo ponudbo, češ da ji zemeljske barve res ne pristojijo. In ko jo je zavrnila še druga prijateljica, sem se resno vprašala v čem je fora, saj se mojih podarjenih torbic do sedaj še res nobena ni branila. Potem mi je pa vklopilo, da je Goldy pripravljena na reciklažo. Na strani sem všila mrežo in odstranila poklopec, da  je torbica zračna in omogoča kisiku prosto pot, na mestu odstranjenega stiskača pa sem našila Anin gumbek za srečo in to je bilo to. Čisto enostavno je bila Goldy v manj kot treh urah pripravljena na novo zgodbo. Tista zaresna torbica menda še pride, a kdo ve, če se je bo gospa tako razveselila kot se je te.

In a past few days I took out of the closet a bag that I made a year ago. I wore it for a while, tested it around and then sort of forgot about it, because course of my work went in other direction. Every once and awhile some enamored little soul wanted it, but I just didn't have time to work on something similar. I named it Goldy. Photo of Goldy was posted and noticed by daughter that wanted to help her mother with her portable device for administering oxygen. Medical bag that she has is very practical but it doesn't really look nice. She wanted a regular bag that would be adapted for carrying the device. I immediately knew that I'll have to figure out this one by myself, but after a consultation, I've realized that it would be quite a challenge. Then the complications started. There was alway something in the way. I even got sick. Lady was becoming inpatient and I still wasn't any closer to a viable solution. Breaking point came when I wanted to give re-polished Goldy to a friend. She kindly refused, because earth toned colors don't look good on her. Then I got a kind refusal from another friend. Now I really started to wonder where is the catch. I've never had problems with giving away my bags as a present. Then it hit me. Goldy was ready to be recycled. I've cut holes in the sides, covered them with a mesh, removed the top cover, bag became airy and oxygen can now pass easily. As a final touch, I've sewn in Ana's button for good luck and voila. In less than three hours Goldy was ready for her new story. Supposedly the lady will get "the real" bag soon, but who knows whether she'll be so happy for that one.

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