Although we were expecting spring, weather served us with low temperatures and snow, that spoiled the expectations. On the other hand, staying home behind sewing machine, for the second weekend in the row, was easier because of the cold weather. Again it was all about gifting and pillows. It all started when my friend wanted to give pillows as a gift to her mom and dad and I wanted to give something to her. She didn't give me any guidelines or limitations, so the only idea behind them was "something soft to lay the head on". This turned out to be enough of a motivation so I did not stop until all three of them were standing proudly in front of me. They were adorable and I would like to see them lined up on some cozy couch. Technically they are called collections, unofficially I think of them as little families, and that is why I feel sad every time when I see them break apart. This time story is somewhat different. These pillows will part their ways and go to different people, but at the same time they will connect three adults that once shared the same nest. It is wonderful when everything falls in place like that and reminds me why I enjoy creating in the first place. Nevertheless I have to make another pillow now. There was four of them in the nest
sreda, 27. marec 2013
O treh poušterčkih / The three pillows
Kljub težko pričakovani koledarski pomladi nam jo je vreme zagodlo z nizkimi temparaturami in snegom, ki nam je vsem po vrsti malo pokvaril veselje. Po drugi strani pa mi mi ravno zato ni bilo težko že drugi vikend zapored ostati doma in sedeti za šivalnim strojem. Tudi tokrat se je vse vrtelo okoli obdarovanja in poušterčkov. Pravzaprav se je začelo tako, da si je prijateljica zaželela podariti poušterček svoji mami in očetu, jaz pa sem ga želela podariti njej. Ker mi ni dala nobenih navodil in omejitev, je bilo "nekaj mehkega za pod glavo" dovolj velika motivacija, da se nisem ustavila dokler niso vsi trije ponosno stali pred menoj. Lepo so se dopolnjevali med sabo in najraje bi jih videla skupaj na kakšnem udobnem kavču. Pri vsaki družinici, ki se ji uradno reče kolekcija, se mi malo stoži, ko jo gledam kako se počasi manjša. Toda tokrat gre zgodba vendarle drugače. Tile poušterčki sicer romajo vsak na svoj konec, a bodo hkrati povezali tri odrasle ljudi, ki so nekoč bili v skupnem gnezdu. Ni lepšega kadar se vse tako lepo sestavi in se spet spomniš na smisel svojega kreiranja. Samo, da moram zdaj narediti še en poušterček, ker so v tem gnezdu bili štirje.
Although we were expecting spring, weather served us with low temperatures and snow, that spoiled the expectations. On the other hand, staying home behind sewing machine, for the second weekend in the row, was easier because of the cold weather. Again it was all about gifting and pillows. It all started when my friend wanted to give pillows as a gift to her mom and dad and I wanted to give something to her. She didn't give me any guidelines or limitations, so the only idea behind them was "something soft to lay the head on". This turned out to be enough of a motivation so I did not stop until all three of them were standing proudly in front of me. They were adorable and I would like to see them lined up on some cozy couch. Technically they are called collections, unofficially I think of them as little families, and that is why I feel sad every time when I see them break apart. This time story is somewhat different. These pillows will part their ways and go to different people, but at the same time they will connect three adults that once shared the same nest. It is wonderful when everything falls in place like that and reminds me why I enjoy creating in the first place. Nevertheless I have to make another pillow now. There was four of them in the nest
Although we were expecting spring, weather served us with low temperatures and snow, that spoiled the expectations. On the other hand, staying home behind sewing machine, for the second weekend in the row, was easier because of the cold weather. Again it was all about gifting and pillows. It all started when my friend wanted to give pillows as a gift to her mom and dad and I wanted to give something to her. She didn't give me any guidelines or limitations, so the only idea behind them was "something soft to lay the head on". This turned out to be enough of a motivation so I did not stop until all three of them were standing proudly in front of me. They were adorable and I would like to see them lined up on some cozy couch. Technically they are called collections, unofficially I think of them as little families, and that is why I feel sad every time when I see them break apart. This time story is somewhat different. These pillows will part their ways and go to different people, but at the same time they will connect three adults that once shared the same nest. It is wonderful when everything falls in place like that and reminds me why I enjoy creating in the first place. Nevertheless I have to make another pillow now. There was four of them in the nest
četrtek, 14. marec 2013
Od Žmauca prijatl'ce / Friends of Žmauc
V soboto sva se z Eleno odločili, da si dan malo popestriva s sprehodom po Ljubljani. Pot naju je zanesla mimo meni zelo znanega lokala. Nikoli si nisem zapomnila celega imena, zato sem morala prav pogooglati, gre pa takole: Žmauc - Od Žmauca sosed pa ud brata prjatu. Tako! Na ta nekdaj meni priljubljen lokal v centru Ljubljane, me vežejo lepi spomini. V času mojega študija je bila to redna postojanka za kofe pred, med in po predavanjih, občasno pa še zvečer. Že takrat je bil to eden najbolj trendi lokalov, z najbolj cool muziko in nenavadnimi natakarji s še bolj nenavadnimi frizurami. Bil je mega tudi zato, ker ga je znotraj in zunaj porisal nam vsem poznani umetnik Natan. Še vedno se nostalgično spominjam duhovitih, stripovskih figur, ki jih žal ni več. Žmauc ima zdaj malo drugačno podobo in bolj redko me pot še zanese tja. Na novo prepleskana fasada je bila Eleni zelo všeč, zato sva zavili na kavico in zasedli najljubšo mizo ob oknu. Opazovala sem svojo malo punčko kako zadovoljno mlati smetanco in se pozibava ob glasbi. Bilo je luštno in zabavno kot včasih. Samo, da je zdaj vse drugače.
Last Saturday, me and Elena decided that we're going to have an entertaining walk through Ljubljana. We wondered by a very familiar spot that has a very interesting and long name that I could never really remember. Even now I had to google it and it is: Žmauc - Od Žmauca sosed pa ud prata prjatu (Žmauc - Neighbor of Žmauc and friend of a brother). Their you go! I have some nice memories about this very popular place in Ljubljana centre. This was a regular coffee stop before, between, and after the lectures when I was studying, and occasionally I would be hanging there in the evenings as well. Back then this was a trendy place, playing the coolest music and very unusual waiters with crazy hairdos. Special treat of the interior and facade are paintings of an artist that is known to all of us - Natan. With a bit of nostalgia I can remember the funny, comic book characters, that are now, sadly, painted over. Žmauc has a different look now and I don't hang out there as much as I used to. Elena liked new facade very much, so we stopped for a quick coffee and sat at my favorite table by the window. I've observed my little girl, enjoying her portion of whipped cream while grooving gently to music. It was delightful and fun as in the "old days". Only now ... everything is different.
Last Saturday, me and Elena decided that we're going to have an entertaining walk through Ljubljana. We wondered by a very familiar spot that has a very interesting and long name that I could never really remember. Even now I had to google it and it is: Žmauc - Od Žmauca sosed pa ud prata prjatu (Žmauc - Neighbor of Žmauc and friend of a brother). Their you go! I have some nice memories about this very popular place in Ljubljana centre. This was a regular coffee stop before, between, and after the lectures when I was studying, and occasionally I would be hanging there in the evenings as well. Back then this was a trendy place, playing the coolest music and very unusual waiters with crazy hairdos. Special treat of the interior and facade are paintings of an artist that is known to all of us - Natan. With a bit of nostalgia I can remember the funny, comic book characters, that are now, sadly, painted over. Žmauc has a different look now and I don't hang out there as much as I used to. Elena liked new facade very much, so we stopped for a quick coffee and sat at my favorite table by the window. I've observed my little girl, enjoying her portion of whipped cream while grooving gently to music. It was delightful and fun as in the "old days". Only now ... everything is different.
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